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天長地久——as old as the hills

膽小如鼠——as timid as a hare

坦然自若——as cool as a cucumber

水中撈月——to fish in the air

苦如黃連——as bitter as wormwood


旁觀者清——The onlooker sees most of the game

豔如桃李——as red as rose

狐假虎威——ass in the lion's skin

物以類聚——Birds of a feather flock together

非驢非馬——Neither fish, nor flesh, nor fowl.

如釋重負——to take a load off one's mind

揮金如土——to spend money like water

弱不禁風——as weak as water

瞬息之間——in the twinkle of an eye

淚如泉涌——a stream of tears

甕中之鱉——a rat in a hole

揚眉吐氣——to hold one's head high

一針見血——to touch one on the raw

不翼而飛——to take wings to itself

小題大做——to make mountains out of molehills

格格不入——a square peg in a round hole

山窮水盡——at the end of one's rope

冷若冰霜——as cold as a marble

半斤八兩——six of one and half a dozen of the other

胸有成竹——to have a card up one's sleeve

孤注一擲——to put all one's eggs in one basket

紙上談兵——armchair strategy

白費口舌——to speak to the wind

同行相嫉——Two of a trade can never agree.

一文不名——without a penny to one's name

收回前言——to eat one's words

令人毛骨悚然——to make one's hair stand on end

人身攻擊——personal remark

標籤:中英對照 成語