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《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》英語繪本




The Very Hungry Caterpillar是一本充滿了詩情與創意的兒童繪本。繪本講述了一隻毛毛蟲的故事。如果說有一條蟲子能一路暢通無阻地從一個國家爬到另一個國家,那麼就是它了!三十多年來,這條從艾瑞克?卡爾手裏爬出來的紅腦殼、綠身子、高高地弓起來走路的毛毛蟲,已經“吞噬”了世界上二千多萬個孩子的心。

主要內容是在月光下,葉子上躺着一顆小小的蛋。星期天早上,太陽升起來,“砰!”從蛋裏爬出來一條又小又餓的毛毛蟲。他開始去找吃的。星期一吃了一個蘋果,可還是好餓。星期二吃了兩個梨子,可還是好餓。星期三吃了三個李子,可還是好餓。星期四吃了四個草莓,可還是好餓。星期五吃了五個橘子,可還是好餓。星期六,他吃了一塊巧克力蛋糕、一個冰淇淋、一根黃瓜、一塊乳酪、一條火腿、一根棒棒糖、一個櫻桃派、一根香腸、一個杯子蛋糕和一片西瓜。那天晚上,毛毛蟲肚子痛了。第二天又是星期天。毛毛蟲吃了綠葉子,肚子好多了。現在,他不餓了,不是一條小毛毛蟲了,是一條又肥又大的毛毛蟲了。他造了一個小房子,叫繭,把自己包在了裏面。他在裏面呆了兩個多星期,咬了一個小洞擠了出來。最後毛毛蟲變成了一隻漂亮蝴蝶。 教學目標: 1. 欣賞故事,瞭解蝴蝶生長過程,並且學會週一到週日的單詞。

2. 瞭解各種食物的`單詞。

3. 激發學生對英語繪本閱讀的興趣。





Step 1 Warm up

1、Greeting: What day is today? What date is today?

2、Sing a song: Seven days a week.

Step 2 Presentation


Once upon a time, there was a little egg lay on a leaf in the light of the moon. It’s a summer night. It’s hot and quiet. You can hear the sound of the wind, the owl and the leaf.(出示卵的圖片,讓學生猜猜最後卵會變成什麼?)


1)One Sunday morning, cock-a-doodle-do! The warm sun came up, and POP! A caterpillar came out of the egg. It’s very tiny. It climbed, climbed and climbed from morning till night. It didn’t eat anything. It’s so hungry. It’s very hungry. It started to look for some food the next day. (此處引入Sunday的單詞,並重點教授,並且教師可扮演毛毛蟲做爬行動作,用肢體語言幫助學生理解climb的意思。)

2)The next day is e were so many fruits in the forest. What can you see? I can see an apple, a pear, a plum, a strawberry, and an orange. On Monday, the caterpillar ate through one apple from morning till night. POP! He came out of the apple. But he was still

hungry, very hungry. (教授週一的單詞,並板書,請學生用英語回答週一毛毛蟲吃了多少食物。)Hi, kids! Where is the caterpillar! It’s gone! Everybody says, “Caterpillar, caterpillar, where are you?”

“Caterpillar, caterpillar, here I am!“(教師和學生一起說Chant,一起呼喚毛毛蟲,並引導學生們用他們的手指當做毛毛蟲,挑選一位學生到臺前講手指放入書的洞中,咬一口,並且發出POP的一聲)

3)From Tuesday to Friday, how much foods did the caterpillar eat? Let’s read.

On Tuesday, the caterpillar ate through two pears. But he was still hungry.

On Wednesday, the caterpillar ate through three plums. But he was still hungry.

On Thursday, the caterpillar ate through four strawberr

ies. But he was still hungry.

On Friday, the caterpillar ate through five oranges. But he was still hungry.(引導學生說出各種水果的名字,並重點教授週二到週五的單詞。)

4)On Saturday, the caterpillar started to eat some snacks. He ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. But that night he had a stomachache!(教師引導學生用英語回答:毛毛蟲在週六吃的跟前面幾天不一樣了,有什麼不一樣?都有哪些食物?並重點教授週六的單詞。)

5)He built a small house, called a cocoon, around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out

and… was a butterfly, a beautiful butterfly!(教師引導學生透過繪本中的圖片猜出最後毛毛蟲化繭成什麼了?)

3. 欣賞繪本。

教師在讓學生們自我欣賞繪本的同時,誇張地跟着故事情節,引導學生說出本故事的單詞,如7 days a week, fruits (apple, pear, plum, strawberry, orange, watermelon) and snacks (chocolate cake, ice-cream cone, pickle, cheese, salami, lollipop, cherry pie, sausage, cupcake) 讓學生們參與翻頁並用他們的手指當做毛毛蟲鑽入繪本的洞中。

Step 3 Practice



1) What day is today? Today is ______.

2) How many ______ are there? There are two pears.

3) What do you want to eat? I want to eat a slice of cheese.




Step 4 Production



(1) What day is today? Today is ______.

(2) How many ______ are there? There are two pears.

(3) What do you want to eat? I want to eat a slice of cheese.

2、引導學生們複習英語單詞,如:7 days a week, fruits (apple, pear, plum, strawberry, orange, watermelon) and snacks (chocolate cake, ice-cream cone, pickle, cheese, salami, lollipop, cherry pie, sausage, cupcake)

3、延伸品格教育: 用真實照片, 讓學生們體會從毛毛蟲變成蛹及蝴蝶的生命歷程。

Step 5 Summary

1、讓學生們與黑板上所有單詞和句型說Bye, bye,並擦掉所有的單詞和句子。

2、請學生儘量並搶答本節課所學的單詞和句子。 Step 6 Homework
