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1、stand with(v.+prep.)

同…相處,和…站在一起 have a specified relationship with sb/sth; agree with sb/sth

Do you stand well with your boss?你同上司相處得好嗎?

2、stand in for(v.+adv.+prep.)

代替 replace, substitute oneself for

〔說明〕 stand in for通常不用於被動結構。

He said he would stand in for me any time.他說他隨時都能替我。

3、stand in(v.+adv.)

代替 take the place of sb

She is standing in tonight.她今晚值替班。

4、stand down(v.+adv.)

〔說明〕 stand down通常不用於進行體。

1.放棄席位 surrender one's place

The second candidate has agreed to stand down.第二個候選人同意退出。

5、stand by(v.+prep.)

1.支援,支援 support

He is sure to stand by you in this matter.這件事他一定幫助你。

One who stands by you in times of trouble is your true friend.困難時幫助你的.人才是真正的朋友。

6、stand apart(v.+adv.)

使自己離開,把自己隔離開 keep oneself separate (from others)

There was one boy rather noticeably standing apart from the other children.有個男孩引人注目地獨自站在一邊,不接近其他孩子。

7、stand aside(v.+adv.)

站到一邊 stand out of the way

〔說明〕 stand aside通常不用於進行體。

Stand aside and let us past!閃開,讓我們過去!

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