

SECSB 2A Unite 7 Living with disease (患病的生活)

一. 誦讀背會重點單詞和短語讀

比賽/小測驗, 錯誤的/假的, 病毒, 血液/流血, 預防/阻止/妨礙, 說服/勸服, 無防備的, 病/疾病, 治療/療法/對待,無保護的/無掩護的, 性/性別, 合適/適當的, 可利用的/可達到的/有效的, 使泄氣/使失去信心, 感到振奮(高興), 網絡/廣播網, 專家/專科醫生, 意味深長的/富有意義的, 激烈的/兇猛的/強烈的, 陌生人/陌生事物/新來者, 放射/發射/輻射, 力量/強度/實力, 恢復/彌補/重新找到, 戰士/奮鬥者/戰鬥機, 種類/類別/範疇, 工作狂; die of, cheer…up, on the contrary, free from, hold hands, be friends with(=make friends with), toilet seats, break down(=destroy), spread through, take care of, the total number of, because of, health care, as with…, suffer from, discourage sb. from doing, the doctor’s office, take samples of, be treated with, keep…from (= prevent/stop…from ), live with, live life to the fullest, deal with, to date (= until today,Cf: up to date: modern), nst/from, access to, slow down

二. 讀重點句子翻譯並仿照造句

1. To put it simply, he or she gets sick a lot. ( take from Listing )

2. I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV. 3. It is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV / AIDS.

4. AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenceless against infections and illness.

5. Most people who have AIDS manage to survive only a few years after they get the disease. 6. People transmit HIV by having unexpected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusions

or, as in Xiaohua’s care, through birth.

7. “I wish I could remember more about my mum,” Xiaohua says, “I wish that she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.”

8. As with most diseases and disasters, the young suffer the most.

9. “If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor, helping these ADIS patients,” Xiaohua says. (對比倒數第二段最後一句)

10. The disease is not the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from. (請留意定從句中的that)

11. Xiaohua is trying to change this by creating a network of patients and doctors that can persuade hospitals and companies to spend more money on AIDS research and education.

12. It is no use trying to persuade him to have a holiday because he is a workaholic.

13. My father thinks the competition in computer companies is so fierce that he discourages me from entering the field.

14. I remember having an empty feeling in my stomach and thinking that my life was going to end. (參見P163 / 8) 15. On the contrary, I now feel as if that was when my life really began.

16. I have been living with cancer for two years and I plan to keep living with it for a long, long time. 17. Living with cancer has made me realize how precious life is and how important lit is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest. (參照06全國高考55題)

三. 掌握P53“虛擬語氣”(1),做P125Grammar,參照“精要”P141

四. 根據P128Writting,寫一篇不超過120詞的短文,幫助患HIV/AIDS的同學