
初中英語作文:金錢是萬能的嗎? IS Money All-powertul?

日常生活或是工作學習中,大家都寫過作文吧,作文一定要做到主題集中,圍繞同一主題作深入闡述,切忌東拉西扯,主題渙散甚至無主題。怎麼寫作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小編幫大家整理的.初中英語作文:金錢是萬能的嗎? IS Money All-powertul?,僅供參考,歡迎大家閱讀。

初中英語作文:金錢是萬能的嗎? IS Money All-powertul?

IS Money All-powertul?As we know most of the material things in our daily life have to be bought with money is not all-powerful,there are many things which money cannot buy,such as e are 24 hours a times when we are very happy,we wish that the period of happiness would last no matter what we do,or how much money we are willing to pay,we cannot make a day last longer than 24 the other hand,when we are unhappy,mo-ney cannot make the unhappy time pass away more quickly,it can't bri-ng us a day without sadness and may be rich,but our money can't bring back our lost the saying goes"Time past cannot be called back."Here we can see very clearly that money can buy a lot of things,but never money,after all,is not all-powerful.