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1) Seize the opportunity, deepen the reform 抓住機遇,深化改革


2) Do away with the egalitarism in the system of foreign trade廢除外貿體制中的平均主義(其中:egalitarism = equalitarism)

3) One Child Per Couple 一對夫妻生一個孩子

4) Put reform at the center of all our undertakings 把改革放在一切工作的中心

5) Have the law and discipline abided by and strictly enforced and ensure law breakers duely punished加強和遵守法紀,確保違法者得到應有的'懲罰

6) To be new socialist builders who have lofty ideals and moral integrity, who are well educated and have a strong sense of discipline 做有理想、有道德、有文化、守紀律的社會主義新建設者

7) Take the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics 走有中國特色的社會主義道路

8) Improve the economic environment, rectify the economic order and deepen the reform in an all-round way 優化經濟環境,整頓經濟秩序,全面深化改革

9) Order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline安定帶來繁榮,混亂導致衰敗

10) Follow China's own road of industrial development 走中國自己工業發展之路

標籤:易記 精短 英語