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我們現在看到的這座建築就是鐘樓。鐘樓位於西安市東西南北四條大街的交匯處,佔地11260平方米,建築面積是1378平方米。它建於公元1384 年,也就是明洪武十七年,最初位於西大街的迎祥觀,距目前位置1000米左右。當時迎祥觀是西安市的中心,但鐘樓在建成200年後,隨着城市中心的東移,城門改建,新的東、南、西、北四條大街形成,位於迎祥觀的鐘樓便日益顯得偏離城市中心。到了明神宗萬曆10年,也就是公元1582年,在陝西巡撫龔懋賢的主持下,將鐘樓來個整體拆遷,遷至今址。據鐘樓的碑文記載,移建工程除重新建造基座外,木質結構的樓體全是原樣原件。所以耗資不多,工程迅速。

鐘樓呈典型明代建築藝術風格,樓高36米,重檐斗拱,攢尖高聳,屋檐微翹,華麗莊嚴。由基座,樓身和樓頂三部分組成。基座是正方形,每邊長35.5 米,高8.6米,全部用青磚砌成。基座四面正中各有一個高和寬都是6米的十字交叉券洞。樓身爲正方形木質結構,邊長22米,高26米,四面五開間,外面以迴廊環繞,裏面爲二層樓,樓內有木梯盤旋而上。樓內上下兩層正方形大廳裏,陳列着明代以來各種名貴瓷器及紅楠木傢俱,四面門上佈滿浮雕畫,風格厚朴生動。樓頂爲四角攢尖結構,上面覆蓋着碧綠色的琉璃瓦,頂端大圓頂高達5米,裏面是木心,外貼銅皮,銅皮上再箔敷一層黃金,金光閃閃,輝煌燦爛。

鐘樓的西北角上陳列着一口明代鐵鐘,重5噸,鍾邊鑄有八卦圖案。這口鐘建造以明成化年間,也就是公元1465年 1487年間。但它比鐘樓早先懸掛的銅鐘卻小得多了。鐘樓原先懸掛的巨鍾是唐代景雲年間鑄造的 景雲鍾 。現在這口鐘收藏於西安碑林。據說,鐘樓從迎祥觀遷到今址後,雖然樓的式樣大小並沒有改變,但景雲鍾卻怎也敲不響了陝西西安鐘鼓樓、城牆_小三峽_西安古城牆導遊詞3篇演講稿。沒有辦法,只有另換。對於景雲鐘不響的原因,有人認爲它是 歷世久遠,神武有靈 ,不願被熱挪動;也有人說,鍾置於室內正好像是 待甕以呼 ,當時應該移到樓外。但無論如何,這給鐘樓的歷史又添上一層神祕的色彩。

爲了將景雲鍾移到新建的鐘樓上,當年在西大街西段搭起一座斜橋,利用橋面斜坡把景雲鍾運到了鐘樓上。據說 橋梓口 也因此而得名。鐘樓內西牆上嵌刻有《鐘樓歌》和《鐘樓記》碑刻。《鐘樓歌》是當年修建鐘樓的陝西巡撫龔懋賢在解職赴京時登樓所賦


與鐘樓遙遙相對的是鼓樓。鼓樓位於鐘樓的西北角。鼓樓樓底門洞爲南北向,北通北院門,南達西大街。鼓樓建於明太祖洪武十三年,也就是公元1380 年,比鐘樓要早四年,與鐘樓是姊妹樓。在鼓樓的第一層北面有一面巨鼓,與鐘樓上的晨鐘形成暮鼓,所以稱爲鼓樓。鼓樓佔地1999平方米,建築面積1804 平方米。樓體呈長方形,總高33米,基座高8米。基座的門洞高與寬均爲6米,洞深38米。鼓樓建築爲重檐歇山式,琉璃瓦覆頂,重檐三滴水。樓分上、下兩層。南北檐下各有一塊匾,每塊匾重約3噸。南邊的匾額是: 文武盛地 ,爲清乾隆皇帝御筆刻書。北面的匾額爲 聲聞於天 ,是咸寧縣書生李允寬書寫。在鼓樓的外檐都飾有斗拱,四面有迴廊陝西西安鐘鼓樓、城牆_小三峽_西安古城牆導遊詞3篇陝西西安鐘鼓樓、城牆_小三峽_西安古城牆導遊詞3篇。在鼓樓的三樓有14根紅色顯柱,24根隱柱交叉立。裏面掛有3只大宮燈,12盞中宮燈,16盞小宮燈。天花板上油漆彩繪雲形圖案,古色古香,十分美麗。1953年,國家撥款對鼓樓進行了大修,設立了文管所,精心保護,使鼓樓更加秀麗巍峨。現在,鐘鼓樓交相輝映,使古城西安更加美麗壯觀。



Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen:

Today we will have three places to visit—the Bell Tower the Drum Tower and the City Well. First we come to the Bell Tower.

The Bell Tower, a classical building with carved beams and painted rafters, has been served as the symbol of Xi’an. It stands in the center of the downtown area where the north street, the south street, the west street and the east street meet. And the tower house a huge bell which in ancient times was use to strike the time every morning. This is how the tower got its name. now it is an important historical monument in shaanxi Province.

The Bell tower was first built in Ying Xiang temple in 1384 during the Ming dynasty. It was moved to its present site in 1582 as a result of the city‘s expansion program.

Ladies and gentlemen, There is a story about the Bell Tower. It’s said that the first emperor of Ming dynasty , Zhu yuanzhang , he was born in a poor family. Both his parent died when he was young, and he had to live a hard life. Later, he went to a temple to become a monk. When he ascended the throne, he was afraid of being deposed by someone of “real dragon”. Therefore, he gave orders to build bell tower all over the county to repress the “dragon spirits”. Xi’an has been the imperial capital city since ancient times. So the “dragon spirits ” must be very strong here. That’s why the bell tower in Xi’an was not only built earlier, but also bigger than the other ones in the country. The base of the tower is 1,337.4 square meters in size, 8.6 meters high and 35.5 meters wide. It was laid with blue bricks all over. The whole building is 36 meters above ground. It is a brick-and –wood structure. The eaves are supported by colored “dou gong” a traditional structural system in which brackets are used to join columns and crossbeams, the use of dou gong made the whole building firm and beautiful.

Well, next we will visit the Drum Tower nearly.

The Drum Tower stands 500 meters to the northwest of the Bell Tower. It was built in 1380. There used to be a huge drum in the tower, which told the time at dark, and that is how the tower got its present name. Besides marking the time, the drum was also used to give warnings to people in times of war. The base of The Drum Tower is 1,924 square meters in size, and 34 meters in height. It was built with blue bricks. The Drum Tower has a rectangular shape and shows tier and the outside eaves are decorated with networks of wood arches.

At last, we will visit the famous city wall of Xi’an. The most complete and the best preserved city wall in china.

The city wall of Xi’an is an extension of the prior Tang dynasty structure. It was stared in 1370 and finished in 1378 and has a rectangular –shaped construction. It is over 4 kilometers from the east to west and about 3 kilometers from the north to south. And the total length is 13.7 kilometers. It stands 12 meters high, 12-14 meters wide across the top and 15-18 meters thick at the button. On the top of the city wall, there is a rampart every 120 meters, which extends out from the main wall. The top of the rampart is at the same level as the top of the wall. The ramparts were built to allow soldiers to see those enemies who would try to climb up the wall. The distance between every two ramparts is just within the range of arrow shot from either side. This allowed soldiers to protect the entire wall without exposing themselves to the enemy. There are altogether 98 of them on the city wall and each has a sentry building on top of it.

There are four main gates of the city wall-one on each side-named the east gate, the west gate, south gate and north gate. The four gates of the city wall were the only way to go into and out of town. In Xi’an, each of the four gates consists of three gate towers. The main gate tower is called ZhengLou which is located on top of the main part of the city wall. It is the inner one and is also the main entrance to the city. Zha lou is the gate tower which a suspension bridge and located outside of the city wall. It’s used to lift and lower the suspension bridge. Jian lou is the arrow tower and located in between the Zhenglou and Zhaloutowers. There are square windows in the front and on the two sides to shoot arrows. Jianlou and Zhenglou are connected by walls and the encircled area is called Wongcheng in which soldiers could be stationed. From Wongcheng, there are also horse passages leading to the top of the wall. There are altogether eleven horse passages around the city.

A watch tower is located on each of the four corners of the wall. The one at the southwestern corner is round, probably after the model of the imperial city wall of the Tang dynasty. But the other three are square and are higher and larger than the sentry building on the ramparts. This shows the strategic importance of the corners of the city wall.

All right, we have finished visiting the famous city wall of Xi’an. Thank you.