
小學英語作文:school life

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小學英語作文:school life

Being a pupil of Grade 6, which is the last year of my primary school life, I really have a lot of things to say to help me call back my valuable memories during this bittersweet period of time.

I still remember the first day I went to primary. It was the early autumn in September and as many other people at the same age as I am, having different expectations and being curious about nearly everything, I started my real school life. I feel really lucky that I could have the chance to learn so many interesting different subjects. I started my math journey from learning how to add numbers together. I began my Chinese journey from learning about more and more Chinese characters. Music class inspired me to enjoy different types of beautiful music and I began to like sports because of the PE class.

As I am growing up, different challenges also have made me stronger and more independent. I have learnt how to balance my time between study hours and leisure time and at the same time, I learnt how to be more effective. I understand more about the expectations from my parents and my future goals are becoming clearer and clearer. Apart from all the things I have learned, I have also made lots of friends at school whom I have shared my laughter and tears with.

I am not sure if this 6 years is my most unforgettable time, but I can say that my primary school life is brilliant and has taught me so much about life. With all the amazing experiences during this time, I believe I can become stronger and fly higher.