
吹 泡 泡英語作文

在日常生活或是工作學習中,大家或多或少都會接觸過作文吧,作文根據體裁的.不同可以分爲記敘文、說明文、應用文、議論文。你知道作文怎樣才能寫的好嗎?下面是小編爲大家收集的吹 泡 泡英語作文,僅供參考,歡迎大家閱讀。

吹 泡 泡英語作文


On Sunday, I was alone at home, feeling very lonely. I saw the big brother and big sister on TV blowing bubbles in the game, thinking: I'll play blowing bubbles, too. So I found a straw and made some bubble water with soap.


I came to the yard and gently blew round bubbles. Some of these bubbles are big or small, one after another, just like a happy family. Looking at these bubbles, I thought: how happy the children are with their parents! If only my parents could play with me!