
How to learn English.作文|How to learn English. 英語作文

無論是身處學校還是步入社會,大家都接觸過作文吧,作文是經過人的思想考慮和語言組織,透過文字來表達一個主題意義的.記敘方法。還是對作文一籌莫展嗎?下面是小編爲大家整理的How to learn English.作文|How to learn English. 英語作文,希望對大家有所幫助。

How to learn English.作文|How to learn English. 英語作文

How to learn English. English is a necessary course in the nine-year compulsory education in China. It is also a compulsory course in the middle school entrance examination, so it is very important to learn English. However, many students are worried about learning English. That‘s because they didn’t use the right method. I think there are many ways to learn English. We can learn English from life. It‘s like watching English movies and listening to English songs. Actively interact with teachers in English class. Don’t be afraid to say something wrong. Finally, we should practice oral English more. That‘s how to learn English.

標籤:英語 learn English