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Wait a minute... 等一下……



Well what do you suggest? 那麼你有什麼建議嗎?


What? Who's dead? 什麼?誰死了?


How many identities do you think Hunt has? How many times has he slipped past customs and in how many counties?你知道亨特有多少個身份?有多少次他矇混過關?去過多少國家?


They're dead. 他們死了。


My team. My team is dead. They knew we were coming and the disk is gone. 我的小組成員都死了。他們知道我們在這,磁盤已經丟失。


Let's not waste time chasing after him, just make him come to us.我們別再浪費時間追他了,讓他來找我們。


Did you hear me? The list is in the open.你聽見了嗎?名單已經外泄。


What can we do? Barnes... put a guy at the airport? 我們能做什麼?巴恩斯……派人到機場?


These guys are trained to be ghosts... we taught them to do it for Christ's sake. 這些傢伙被訓練得像幽靈一樣……是我們把他們訓練成這樣,看在上帝的.份上。


I see you found it.你找到了。


You're not just a pretty face after all.原來你不只是臉蛋漂亮


What did you think you were doing?你在想些什麼?


What are you doing here?你來幹什麼?


Think you're the only one who can pick a lock?難道只有你懂得開鎖?


We've got 19 hours and 58 minutes!I'll get Bellerophon into your system before then!Just stay alive!I'm not going to lose you!我們還有19小時58分鐘,我會給你注射抗體。不要死,我不會放棄你!


I guess I lied.我想我騙了你。


I'm infected with know you don't have a do it now!我感染了金美拉,開槍吧,立刻開槍。


I wasn't thinking!Just trying to stop you from getting hurt,that's all!我沒想什麼,只是不想讓你受到傷害。


You who don't have a conscience.你說自己沒有正義感。


Every search for a hero must begin with something that every hero requires a villain.英雄需要壞蛋襯托,英雄出現前,必先有壞蛋出現。


You're not gonna shoot me, this use she's worth £37 million.西恩,你不會開槍的,因爲這值三千七百萬鎊。


Not spontaneous enough, adventurous enough, funny enough...


Listen. Talk to me. We can talk, like gentlemen.


A dishonesty that poisons everything.


Groundhog, that's you.


We ran out of ice. I'll be back in 10 minutes.


Wheels up at sunrise if you have a change of heart.


Extremely dangerous and a priority for us.


Be aggressive. Come on. Stay focused.


We've put an explosive charge in your head.


The Rabbit's Foot. Where is it?


But nothing in my mind makes sense.


We have a photo opportunity.


We can't have real relationships.


It is always startling when the Lord takes one of our young so unexpectedly.


I certainly cannot tell you 我絕對不會告訴你。


No diamonds, no codes. 先給鑽石 再給密碼。


Working on commission. 拿人錢財,替人消災。


Easy way to remember, blue is glue. 很容易記,藍色,吸住。


Some natural catastrophe devastates all life on Earth. 總會有大災難毀滅地球上的所有生物。


But life goes on. 可生命在繼續。


- And when it's red?那紅色呢?

- Dead.死了。


Well, what are you going to do? 那現怎麼辦?


I'm not buying. I'm selling. 我不是要買,我是要賣。


Yeah, I got all I need, thank you. 那個我自己有,謝謝。


nd what little remains is made stronger. 存活下來的生命變得強大。


When the meter is blue,that's full adhesion. 當儀器亮起藍光,就是完全吸住了。


Helping old friends. Making new ones. 援助老友,結交新朋。


Whatever happened, happened. 過去的就讓它過去吧。


The plan was for us to stop him together. 原計劃是我們一起阻止他。


We still have a chance to clean this up, but we have to do it now. 我們還有機會補救,不過得趕快行動。


No codes, no diamonds. 先給密碼 再給鑽石。


So, I hear the insurance company's refusing to pay the claim on that car you crashed, Ethan. 我聽說你撞壞的那輛車保險公司不肯賠,伊森。


I mean, look,we were unprepared, in the dark. Disavowed. 我們沒準備,沒情報,也沒支援。


Change the plan. 改變原計劃。


That you are. Very classy job. 這是份很高尚的工作。
