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英語週記 開學第一週


時光如流水般匆匆流動,一個星期已經結束了,一週的經歷,可以助長我們的'閱歷,不如趁現在好好寫一篇週記。怎樣寫週記才更能吸引眼球呢?下面是小編爲大家收集的英語週記 開學第一週,僅供參考,大家一起來看看吧。

英語週記 開學第一週

This is the first day of the second term. When I went back to my familiar school ,I found that everything was so energetic that I even felt I should do something to change myself.

Its time for me to make change, I know.

But what can I do for it ? First , I make a plan, which include what I want to do in three years. Second, I asked many seniors for advice. When they known that I want to make my university more colorful, all of them were willing to giving me suggestion. Finally, of course, I must take action bit by bit!

As a college student, a university may be founded for us. We may study for many years with the advantages of learning. I want to change, I must change!