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Don't let your 15 minutes of power go to your head. 別一時得權就昏了頭腦。——《紙牌屋》


Remember, sometimes difficult people surface in ou lives for a reason. Think of it as a challenge. 記住,有時候難應付的人出現在我們的生命中都是有原因的,把它當成一個挑戰。——《再造淑女》

Sometimes we must be ruthless with those who hate us. And sometimes we must be ruthless with those we love. 對恨我們的人,我們必須無情。而有時對我們愛的人,也要無情。——《無恥之徒》

I have travelled very far in my life and met many women, but none that are immune to flattery. 我一生遊歷四方閱女無數,沒有一個是抵得住甜言蜜語的。——《權力的遊戲》

I am, now and forever, past-love. 我現在並且永遠...不會再愛了。——《基本演繹法》

Being too militant about r ends well. 對於任何事情都那麼激進永遠都不會有好結果。——《女子監獄》

Sometimes, a person takes you by surprise.有時候有人不經意間就讓你在意了。——《神盾局特工》

標籤:美劇 經典臺詞